
She had a thing about her walk

The way she strolled around me

The music of her laughter, her smell

Filled the empty spaces

She laughed

I laughed

The desire; to hold her

And hold her in a way

Like night wraps the sky

The desire; to kiss her

Know how she tastes

Feel her like nobody else do

The desire; to touch her

Caress her neck

Fingers all over

The desire; to look into her eyes

To say what words can’t

The trust

The promise none of them will ever make

To stay

To stay forever.


forever kissing ashtrays

To every question that I once didn’t find the answer to,
to the nights I spent staring at the stars restlessly,
to the streets I walked without knowing my destination,

the day you smiled at me with those eyes staring right into my soul
and my heart stopped for a minute,
knowing it would never be the same again,

I knew the answer I was searching for years was you.

And I could swear that in our silence,
I heard cosmos in your presence.

Because no matter how far I walked from your doorstep, no matter how many times I slammed the door of your house shut for myself,
I sat from across the street,
praying to everything I knew of power
for you to not give up on me.

And so I pluck all the maybes about forevers
that snake into the air when I dream of you at…

View original post 66 more words




paradigm shifts

learning to take more and

forgetting to give some

making bad decisions

chasing the lights

failing to grasp them

trying to be better

what is better?

trying to be best


I see fire

they see nothing

I need more

you want best

give me your soul?

its scattered,

gave away unknowingly

look at me!

look at me!

I have nothing.


Full Circle.

forever kissing ashtrays

You dance so beautifully.
The turn of your head,
The flick of your wrist,
The rhythm of your steps,
And I sit in awe
My foot tapping to your rhythm
My waist twisting subtly
And with the first dip of your hand
Beckoning me to join you
I spring up a step
And twirl around you,
Your vigour wearing off me
My head dipping at yours,
My wrist moving with yours
My steps a mirror of yours
And I open my eyes
To find you gone
Leaving me to dance like you
An image of you
With no one around me,
Ready to beckon someone else close.

View original post


Have you ever wondered how perfectly it is choreographed?

I am talking about the whole global scenario. ISIS has emerged as a ‘force’ which happens to know how to penetrate everything except North and South America. Paris was targeted which created a havoc in Europe causing deadly strikes on Syria! I mean if you see the map on a large scale, you would not even find Syria in the picture. So, from Paris with love of their people whose deaths should be avenged?  Luckily, this privilege is only available for the West.

Lately, Istanbul has been targeted. Turkey is a cold stoned mistress from James Bond. Always playing a deception over a deception.  You disagree? Blast in a place known for its tourism attractions. Kill the economy. Is ISIS or any other known terrorist outfit really genius or are they just pawns in a bigger power battle?

No doubts, it was few countries of Europe who embraced the refugees from Syria and stood with them. But what good has it done that a 13 year refugee is labeled as future terrorist.’




Another thing: what Israel do is none of anyone’s concern and has to remain unnoticed.



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is almost friends with everybody. If she holds any grudges, it is against another Islamic country; Iran. Either it is about Shia-Sunni dispute or about the executions of allegedly terrorists. A scholar (Nimr) who was anonymous before executions indulged both countries in a diplomatic dead lock.

Iran is stubborn. She displayed her power against power structures many times. She is also on her way to become another nuclear power. This type of stuff from Middle East is disliked by power structures. They always come up with a plan to sabotage whatever. Being Iran in a dispute with KSA which has the support of almost every Muslim country is not good news.

Say, KSA takes the dispute with Iran on another level. She will need support, high tech armory and weapons. Guess who wants gun control as a priority in their boundaries? USA: the most favorable importer of military assets.

This whole dispute was accelerated in the beginning but practices are made for solidarity between the Muslim states.



Pakistan and India are two individuals who broke up almost 70 years ago. Apparently, they didn’t want to be separated. Both have a habit of interfering in each other’s life. It’s the fight of two little kids which will remain as the perfect rivalry till the end. Aman ki Aashaa’ is an unrealistic thing. Period! Parasites!

Raheel Shareef who is considered to be the face of world’s famous General. Courtesy to the valor of this person Pakistan has stood up against terrorism and eradicated most of its network within the national boundaries. Certainly, everybody wants him gone.



Meanwhile, China to land probe on the dark side of moon in 2018.

China has the largest economy in terms of purchasing and is found among the fastest developing economy. China is the hub of manufacturing and international trade. Everybody wants to be her friend.

The economic corridor between China and Pakistan has been upsetting many power structures. With the Gawadar port in Pakistan working, this economic corridor will give Middle East a blow. Dubai may lose some of some of her business at the hands of Gawadar port.



North Korea is still upset about that movie Americans made about their leader. She claims to have the hydrogen bomb and declared it in a fashionable manner. The power structures opposed her actions because what she did isn’t wrong, she just didn’t ask the permission for it. That’s why they are power structures. Daddy!



Yeah, MH370 which was lost in the wind almost two years ago still remains lost. Although they found some remains of a shipwreck from 19th century. Well, those are the claims. This incident is still unexplainable.



When people like Donald Trump can compete in elections, it means insanity. His book Crippled America made him famous in his own way. Claims are he is almost getting under President’s skin. On the other hand, Barrack Obama was found visibly emotion on delivering a message to country to help curb the gun violence. This country’s economy significantly depends on waging wars around the globe.

Mean College Girl!



The person who has the best villain looks and he is an interesting part of the game. Vladimir Putin.

He is in a fist fight with Iran for so many reasons. He bombs the innocent in Syria and later he denies it with full integrity. Russia claims that extension of NATO is the root cause of disturbance in Europe. Believe me, NATO is a pain in ass in Asia too. Russia and USA are waging buddies. They find wars as a good gamble.



Some say love, it is a river,
That drowns, the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor,
that leaves, your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
And you it's only seed.
It's the heart, afraid of breaking,
That never, learns to dance.
It's the dream, afraid of waking,
That never, takes the chance.
It's the one, who won't be taken,
Who cannot, seem to give.
And the soul, afraid of dying,
That never, learns to live.
When the night, has been too lonely,
And the road, has been too long.
And you feel, that love is only,
for the lucky, and the strong.
Just remember, in the winter,
Far beneath, the bitter snow,
Lies a seed, that with the sun's love,
In the spring, becomes a rose...



I am sad. 

I am depressed. 

I can’t think straight. 



Could have done more? Fuck that. I did what I was capable of. 

It wasn’t enough for them. Simple. 

I’m done. I’m done trying. I’m done making people happy. 

I wanted to live too. 

Why even the morning sunshine doesn’t look good anymore? 

Why the dusk doesn’t create a scenery to ponder over anymore? 

Why the buds filled ashtray doesn’t bother me anymore? 

Why I kept drowning in bottle of alcohol? 

Why I kept blaming myself for every failure? 

Maybe because I am a failure. 

Why I can’t differentiate what’s real and what’s fantasy? 

Am I.. this close to be insane? 
